Sunday, August 9, 2009

How to Handle a Monday

When faced with a terrible Monday please see instructions below:

-Take baby (preferably the cute cuddly kind)
-If baby is difficult to locate ask neighbor or extended family to borrow one ( It will count as service for them too!)
-Apply to favorite shoulder and sit until pain subsides (usually starts to work after a minute)
-Leave application on for as long as possible
-It may be a good idea to sniff and squeeze alternately
-Repeat throughout your Monday as needed
-If pain is not gone by Tuesday, apply twice a day or as many times as necessary until swelling of frustration goes down
-Unlimited Refills allowed

Prescribed by Kasha and Grandmother's of lil one

1 comment:

  1. your little one is so cuuuuuuute and adorable

    have a great week ahead
    chikisses from my little one
    coco's mum


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